-What is a Hafla?
A hafla is a middle-eastern gathering, a party. There is usually dancing (think belly dancing, sometimes freestyle dancing, sometimes group performance) drumming, and general merriment!
-Why are we having one?
To celebrate the opening of a Nile River-themed venue to benefit Relay For life situated high above Caledon Greystoke, complete with explorable Temple of Karnak, pyramid tomb, and RFL merchant's Bazaar.
-When is it?
Monday, May 17th, 7pm-11pm SL time
-What shall I wear?
Middle-eastern garb suggested, or victorian touring garb, silks, etc. But wear what's comfy for you.
-Do I need a dance ball?
Nope, belly-dance bracelets and drumming animations, hookah, cushions, will be provided.
Everyone is invited, hope to see you there:)